I have requested a shipping label but I am yet to receive an email to download my label?

There could be a couple of reasons why you are not receiving the label download email. 

  1. There's a slight delay in generating the email - you can also access your shipping label through your TerraCycle account. While signed in click on the icon in the top right corner and choose Profile from the drop down menu, then click on the My shipments tab, select the correct label and click on download. 
  2. Your account details are incorrect - to check your account details,  sign in to your TerraCycle account, click on the icon in the top right corner and choose Profile from the drop down menu. On the left of the Profile page, select Basic information under the Account information heading. Click on Edit your profile and double-check that your details are filled in correctly. If they aren't, you will need to edit your address, save the changes and request a new label.

If you are still having trouble, please contact Customer Support.

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